Motion to Dismiss Florida Foreclosure Complaint
If you are Homeowner that has been served with foreclosure papers, you can file a Motion to Dismiss Florida Foreclosure Complaint. This move allows you to have a chance of having the Court dismiss all or part of the case against you. The ability to file this Motion depends on the information in the Complaint. Therefore, it is recommended that you speak with Foreclosure Defense Attorneys to determine if you can file this Motion.
The Court holds it to a high standard. At the hearing, the Judge will examine the Four corners of the Complaint. In other words, only information contained in the Complaint and its exhibits, will be reviewed. Accordingly, after oral argument, the court will grant or deny the Motion. If the Motion is granted, the Bank will let the Bank Amend their Complaint. While the Motion can be a useful tool, it is important that you hire a competent Foreclosure Defense Attorney to argue it. On the other hand, if you lose at the Hearing, the Court will enter an order requiring you to file an Answer to the Complaint. As a result, you must admit or deny the Allegations in the Complaint.
If you are in Foreclosure, contact 954 Foreclosure Attorneys at 954.237.7740. Our Broward Foreclosure Defense Lawyers can fight for you and help you to keep your property. To better serve our clients, we have offices in Broward and Palm Beach.
Visit us @ 954foreclosureattorneys.com and on youtube.