What Does A Florida Loan Modification Do For Me?
During the Florida Foreclosure process, a Florida homeowner has the option of working with the Bank in an effort to obtain a Florida Loan Modification. A Florida Loan Modification allows the Florida homeowner the opportunity to obtain a new mortgage from the Bank which will give the Florida homeowner another chance in keeping their property.
Many times, a Florida Loan Modification will be given at a reduced monthly amount that will be even lower than the Florida homeowner’s mortgage payment was before the Florida homeowner was even in the Florida Foreclosure process. This is great news for the Florida homeowner. If you are Florida homeowner and are given a Florida Loan Modification and successfully complete the trial payments that the Bank requires you to make, the Bank will be obligated to dismiss the Florida Foreclosure action against you.
If you are a Florida homeowner in Foreclosure and are attempting to keep your property and need a Broward Foreclosure Defense Attorney or Palm Beach Foreclosure Defense Attorney, contact 954 Foreclosure Attorneys today at 954.237.7740 to learn about the benefits of the Florida Loan Modification process. Visit us on the web @ 954foreclosureattorneys.com and on youtube.